Command-Control-Q locks the OS X screen instantly
Control-Shift-Eject blanks the screen instantly
From the desk of Jim Tucker
Command-Control-Q locks the OS X screen instantly
Control-Shift-Eject blanks the screen instantly
Ryze Tello (DJI)
Here’s my favourite iced tea recipe:
Westminster Abbey
Mission, BC, Canada
From here, a neat trick to “unminimize” a Mac application’s window using only the keyboard:
A very quick keyboard method to un-minimize a specific window or un-minimize all of an app’s minimized windows is this:
Command ⌘+Tab ⇥ to the app with minimized windows, but don’t release the Command ⌘ key.
While still holding Command ⌘ down, tap Down ↓ twice, first tap enters App Exposé, second tap takes you to the minimized windows,
To un-minimize all windows, press Option ⌥+Return ↩
To un-minimize a specific window navigate to the window you want with the arrow keys, then press Return ↩
I found this great tip for creating an Automator service in OS X to make it easier to create encrypted ZIP archive files.
The Seer:
The Seer (2014) from Joe Tucker on Vimeo.
BUDS (2013) from Joe Tucker on Vimeo.
Bonsai Love:
Bonsai Love – Diane Tucker from Joe Tucker on Vimeo.