Jim’s Iced Tea

Here’s my favourite iced tea recipe:


  • 1/8th teaspoon baking soda
  • 6 tea bags (Tetley or a similar Orange Pekoe tea)
  • 1/2 cup Splenda (or sugar)
  • 1/2 cup lemon juice


  1. Put baking soda in a full-sized teapot
  2. Add teabags
  3. Fill with boiling water
  4. Steep 15 minutes
  5. Remove bags
  6. Pour tea into a pitcher or a jug
  7. Add Splenda and lemon juice
  8. Stir
  9. Serve diluted with cold water — about 2 parts water to 1 part strong tea, or to taste — over ice

Use the Keyboard to “Unminimize” a Mac App

From here, a neat trick to “unminimize” a Mac application’s window using only the keyboard:


A very quick keyboard method to un-minimize a specific window or un-minimize all of an app’s minimized windows is this:

Command ⌘+Tab ⇥ to the app with minimized windows, but don’t release the Command ⌘ key.

While still holding Command ⌘ down, tap Down ↓ twice, first tap enters App Exposé, second tap takes you to the minimized windows,

To un-minimize all windows, press Option ⌥+Return ↩

To un-minimize a specific window navigate to the window you want with the arrow keys, then press Return ↩

Eurozone Needs to Change

Clive Crook has it exactly right in describing the Eurozone:

The basic contradiction was foreseen many years ago. In a single-currency system, policymakers lack the most powerful tool for helping individual economies adjust to setbacks: interest rates set according to national conditions. To succeed, a single-currency system needs either large fiscal transfers (so fiscal policy can do what monetary policy can’t) or highly integrated labor markets (so the unemployed can move to stronger markets to find work), and preferably both. The euro area has neither, and its governments, even after an epic sovereign debt crisis, have no plans to do much about it.