Recording Online Audio

Sometimes I use Reaper to capture and record my favourite streaming audio programs from the Internet.

Here are some things I’ve learned:

  • Blackhole lets you route audio from your web browser (or from any app) to Reaper (or to any DAW)
  • I can make Blackhole’s “Multi Output” device work for this, but not its “Aggregate Device”
  • To trim input levels, adjust the Blackhole device in the Audio MIDI app

Jim’s Word (Mac) Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Word for Macintosh has no helpful way to show a summary of keyboard custom shortcuts one creates — at least there is no such way that I have found. So here, for my own reference, mostly, are the ones I have created.

Custom ShortcutAction
Command+Option+Shift+SToggle Styles Pane
Command+Option+;Apply Style: List Paragraph
Command+Option+Shift+EApply Style: Emphasis
Command+Option+Shift+NApply Style: Normal
Command+Option+SWindow –> Split (split document)
Command+Option+=View: Zoom In
Command+Option+-View: Zoom Out
Summary of Jim’s Word (Mac) Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Use the Keyboard to “Unminimize” a Mac App

From here, a neat trick to “unminimize” a Mac application’s window using only the keyboard:


A very quick keyboard method to un-minimize a specific window or un-minimize all of an app’s minimized windows is this:

Command ⌘+Tab ⇥ to the app with minimized windows, but don’t release the Command ⌘ key.

While still holding Command ⌘ down, tap Down ↓ twice, first tap enters App Exposé, second tap takes you to the minimized windows,

To un-minimize all windows, press Option ⌥+Return ↩

To un-minimize a specific window navigate to the window you want with the arrow keys, then press Return ↩