Be Astonished at Jesus’ Gracious Heart

“This is a book with one point: Be astonished at the gracious heart of Jesus Christ, proven in his atoning work in the past and his endless intercession in the present. Receive his unutterable love for sinners and sufferers. Stop resisting. Let him draw near to you. Gaze upon him.
As you do so, transformation will come in the back door. If you try to change simply for change’s sake, you can only change your behavior. You can’t change your heart. But mere behavioral change isn’t change at all. Peel your eyes away from yourself—even your change or lack thereof—and ponder Christ.”

Excerpt From
Dane C. Ortlund

Look to Christ

“My goal in this book has simply been to coach you into that single, simple, all-determining impulse of the heart: looking to Jesus. If you look to him, everything else is footnotes. All else will fall into place. If you do not look to Jesus, no amount of techniques or strategies will finally help you; all will be for nothing. Peel back every layer of distraction and look to Christ. Simplify your heart and all its cares. Look to Christ and his overflowing heart.”

Excerpt From
Dane C. Ortlund

Living Hope

[It all made sense] for me when I was in seminary. I was in an Old Testament lecture. The lecturer simply said, “What’s really important about the Christian faith is not what we do for God, but what God does for us.”

That’s all it took. My whole Christian world turned completely upside down. My focus had been on my performance and my love for God, and it was never there.

Suddenly I realised that what was really important was God’s performance and his love for me. From that moment, that Copernican revolution has increasingly gripped me by the grace of God.

I’ve wobbled. I’ve gone up and down. I’ve gone backwards and forwards, but the central resting place of my heart is the free, rich grace of God in Jesus Christ, as I know it is for many of us here.

David Short

Recording Online Audio

Sometimes I use Reaper to capture and record my favourite streaming audio programs from the Internet.

Here are some things I’ve learned:

  • Blackhole lets you route audio from your web browser (or from any app) to Reaper (or to any DAW)
  • I can make Blackhole’s “Multi Output” device work for this, but not its “Aggregate Device”
  • To trim input levels, adjust the Blackhole device in the Audio MIDI app

Jim’s Word (Mac) Custom Keyboard Shortcuts

Word for Macintosh has no helpful way to show a summary of keyboard custom shortcuts one creates — at least there is no such way that I have found. So here, for my own reference, mostly, are the ones I have created.

Custom ShortcutAction
Command+Option+Shift+SToggle Styles Pane
Command+Option+;Apply Style: List Paragraph
Command+Option+Shift+EApply Style: Emphasis
Command+Option+Shift+NApply Style: Normal
Command+Option+SWindow –> Split (split document)
Command+Option+=View: Zoom In
Command+Option+-View: Zoom Out
Summary of Jim’s Word (Mac) Custom Keyboard Shortcuts