Use the Keyboard to “Unminimize” a Mac App

From here, a neat trick to “unminimize” a Mac application’s window using only the keyboard:


A very quick keyboard method to un-minimize a specific window or un-minimize all of an app’s minimized windows is this:

Command ⌘+Tab ⇥ to the app with minimized windows, but don’t release the Command ⌘ key.

While still holding Command ⌘ down, tap Down ↓ twice, first tap enters App Exposé, second tap takes you to the minimized windows,

To un-minimize all windows, press Option ⌥+Return ↩

To un-minimize a specific window navigate to the window you want with the arrow keys, then press Return ↩

Grab a One-Window Screenshot

To grab just a one-window screenshot, press Command + Shift + 4, then when the cross hairs appear, press the space bar. The cross hairs will change to a picture of a camera that can be placed over top of the window to be captured and clicked. The resulting window-only screenshot will appear on your Desktop.

Look Up Word in Dictionary

With your mouse cursor over top of the word you’d like to look up, press Control + Command + D. A dialog will then pop up with the word defined by the built-in Mac OS X dictionary. While holding down the keyboard combination, you can mouse around to different words in the document.