Solved! Problem with Airplay Audio, OS X, and Apple TV

I found this solution here:

This is an issue with Core Audio on OS X getting caught in some sort of resource availability loop with Apple TV. If you restart Core Audio on OS X and make sure there are no other iOS or OS X devices requesting access to the ATV, then it’ll fix this issue. To restart Core Audio you can either:

Method 1:

1) Open Activity Monitor (control + space then start typing “activity monitor”)

2) Find the process coreaudiod

3) Select and quit


Method 2:

1) Open terminal

2) type command: sudo killall coreaudiod

3) enter admin password and confirm


OS X will cycle Core Audio on and off and voila- your audio streaming will work again.


There’s no way to prevent this issue right now. It’s a Mountain Lion bug, I think because I can swap control between my iPhone and iPad without any issues like this coming up.